Legal Nonconformity
Hoffmans Architecture recently received a Shorewood Board of Appeals (BOA) approval, to remodel and expand an existing nonconforming structure located in three zoning, side and back, setback areas including a lot line demising wall. The approval utilized the Special Exception criteria under the Village’s ordinance for Legal Nonconformity. The approval followed our guidelines for a successful public approvals, which can be found in the Home Building Resources section of our website.
To garner support we solicited adjacent neighbor support by providing a detailed description of our intentions, the various options to rebuild, why our solution was appropriate, and a benefit to each neighbor. Their letter of support was presented to the BOA as part of our hearing submittal. Like most public boards the BOA welcomes neighborhood input. Keep in mind most public boards only hear the negative, so it is critical an applicant demonstrates support. The more positive responses an applicant can obtain from their neighbors will increase their odds of approval.
At Hoffmans Architecture we feel communications both verbally, and through 3D imagery and drawings is the best way to bridge support for any public approval process.
If you are considering starting a new home, addition or remodel to an existing property please contact Aaron Hoffmans, AIA at 414-600-1180 or